Bloom's Taxonomy and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
This week for the mini-lesson, students touched on a few key theories important to gifted education (Bloom's Taxonomy and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs). We did this to help them understand and gain insight into their unique capabilities and unique challenges.
Bloom's Taxonomy:
-Six levels of cognitive learning (in the revised version of Bloom's Taxonomy)
-Each level increases in complexity of thinking
-Remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating
-The original version in 1956 said “evaluation” was the highest level
-Then, a sixth level was added (judgment was replaced by creativity/synthesis)
Here’s a summary of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (another pyramid with creative living at the top):
1st level: Physiological needs
2nd: Safety Needs
3rd: Social Needs (aka love and belonging needs)
4th: Esteem Needs
5th: Self-actualization Needs
- Self-aware
- Driven by personal growth
- Don’t mind what others think
- Interested in maximizing potential
- Interested in helping others
Optional Activity:
- Reflect on esteem needs (list hobbies/activities that are personally fulfilling). When/where do you feel valued, respected, confident, and like you are making a unique contribution?
- Define "self-actualization" for yourself. What do the five components listed look like for you (self-aware, personal growth, ect.)? How would you describe them in your own words? How do you think you are doing approaching each area of self-actualization?
Once again, the students made relevant and interesting connections to this information. Thank you for a wonderful week!
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