Theory of Positive Disintegration (Levels 4 and 5)
This week we continued with Dabrowki’s Theory of Positive Disintegration and compared levels four and five to self-actualization in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. We compared and contrasted the theories while summarizing our insights in our own words. This requires significant abstract thought and higher-level thinking. As always, these students did a great job. Level 4 (Dabrowski’s theory): People at level four live free of social convention in a way closely matching their ideal self. If they worked hard to articulate their ideal self in level three, they have a well-thought-out approach to living along with a guide for ideal behavior in level four. In essence, their ideal life is aligned with the way they actually experience their day. They show compassion for others and self-acceptance for themselves in the space where they used to compare themselves to others (or their inner ideal). Focus turns outside of themselves again, but not in terms of conflict or ...